Work Horse

Work Horse

Farm labor is one of the biggest stressors in agribusiness and farm operations today. Over the past decade, a sense of urgency and gravity has developed around the ag labor situation.

For producers and agribusinesses, finding quality and experienced labor for their ag business operation is a challenging and time-consuming endeavor. We knew there could be an easier way.

Meeting the challenge, simply.

We needed to simplify and meet the challenge of finding ag labor. We created an online platform where prospective employees and farmers meet. Working with a large grain farmer, a human resources specialist and a team from AdFarm, we developed the name, branding and online platform for WorkHorse.

At the core of this business model is an online platform that allows the matching of employees to farms and farms to employees. WorkHorse is now the only labor-management company 100% invested in supporting modern agriculture by creating connections between farms and labor.

Measured Success

And our metrics speak for themselves. Traffic to the website continues to grow each month with over 20K users, well over 65K page views with an average 2.39 pages per session. Advertising efforts drive traffic directly to the sign-up page.

As employers pay for the service, the number of paid subscribers has increased each month. The scope of employers has continued to broaden as well from primary producers to ag retailers such as Rocky Mountain Equipment. WorkHorse will be attending several ag career fairs across the country in the 2017-18 tradeshow season.

Services Provided

Strategic Planning
User Experience Design
Graphic Design
Content Management System – Drupal 8
API Integrations
Cloud Hosting

See the WorkHorse Hub website

Giant Goat

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